59/Y with asymmetrical oligoarithritis

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

Cheif complaints

59 Y came with cheif complaints of pains in finger joints, wrist joint, ankle joint for the past 22 years

in 2000s ,he got swelling at 1st MTP with severe pain , swelling developed in a day  , joined in a hospital for 10 days but no diagnosis , then after the swelling subsided another leg got swelling .sometimes both at once usually aggravates after heavy dinner ( mutton ,fishes, tamarind, curd) could not sleep that day. involved all other limbs ankle, wrist , elbows , left shoulder , severely affected on right side for 23 years , cannot do work as before sudden loss of consciousness but didnt fall, for 3 times   hypertensive (140/80mmhgsince 2 years on medication( found out giddiness with sweating)
intermittent pedal edema insidious onset, gradually progressive , pitting type not associated with pain ,In night upto ankle aggravated on tamarind and curd relieved by it's own  or medication. burning micturition since 1 and half month,increased frequency of urine,4- 5 times at night.
Patients gives history of joint pain involving in  ascending order (like first DIP Then PIP then MCP then wrist joint) 

K/c/o HTN For the past 2 years and on medication 
N/k/c/o DM, Thyroid, Asthma, CAD, CVA, Epilepsy


Course of life events

58 male hailing from narayanapuram ,choutuppal,
born in 1964
A 6 years got seizures, 
from 7th class he got one sided headache associated with bilious vomiting ( stopped at 32 years)
studied until 10th class ,kabaddi player long jump(13feet) , 
he started smoking,

From 1990 he started consuming alcohol,1994 he got job as a  supervisor in mumbai , got addicted to gambling and alcohol 75ml per day for 15 years , usually smokes 30 cigarrette per day for 15 years , Rich person at those times, usually takes high protein diet.  admitted in hospital for cold with  headache done spinal injection( lumbar puncture ? meningitis?)for 20 days . He quit smoking and alcohol there after .He quit job in mumbai due to some brother disputes and lost his money .He does real estate and also upasarpanch has anger episodes


Patient is conscious , coherent & co-operative
Well built and nourished.
No signs of pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, pedal edema and lymphadenopathy.

Vitals @ admission 
Temp - 99.2F
PR - 132BPM
BP - 140/80mmHg
Spo2 - 99% RA

Respiratory system:-
Bilateral air entry present 
NVBS heard
Cardiovascular system:-
S1, S2 heard
Soft, Non tender

Local Examination of joints

Right hand

local raise of temperature present ,diffuse swelling in wrist and at carpal bones in right hand , tenderness  and restriction of movements present in,wrist, mcp joints  and pip joints

Left hand
Inspection :swelling present
PALPATION:tenderness, local raise of temperature
crepitus cannot be demonstrated
synovial thickening  absent
Range of movements - active - ,restrictedpainful
passive ,restricted ,painful

inspection normal 
fine crepitus can be felt at bare area
no synovial thickening 
range of movements 
active - restricted painful
passive - same
Examination of SPINE:
cervical spine: Normal

Clinical images
Orthopaedics refferal was taken in view of joint pain and was diagnosed with GOUT advised TAB. Febuxistat 40 mg po/bd
Asymmetrical Oligoarithritis

1.T.amlodipibe 5mg po/od
2.T.tamsulosin-d 0.4mg po/of
3.T.pan 40mg po/of
4.T.wysolone 10mg po/od
5.Tab.NODOSIS 500mg PO/bd
6.T.ultracet 1/2 po/bd
7.T.febuxostat 40mg po/bd
8. Vitals monitoring 4 hrly


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